Road Hauliers Liability

Insurance designed to cover the liability of the transporter whilst carrying cargo.

One of these basics is that the transporter has a very strict liability (shifted burden of proof) when damage occurs to the goods during transport.

A road haulier may during a transport cause different kinds of damage, e.g., damage to the goods that are being transported, damage to other property in connection with the unloading and loading of the goods and damage to the environment when spilling substances such as oil or chemicals on the ground. Damage to the goods in transport may also cause certain consequential damages to the intended receiver of the goods such as loss of income. Because of the damage, the damaged goods may also cause further damage to other property.

Savannah Marine’s Hauliers’ Liability insurance covers legal liability of the carrier as a “bailee” for loss of or damage to the goods transported by the haulier.











What this

Policy Protects AGAINST

Theft whilst in transit

Loss whilst in transit

Damage caused by accidents during transit

Damage caused during transit

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